The dusty shell of this blog has been reanimated in order to opine on a life update.
content warning: sentimentality. just skip to the bottom if you want to see a cool painting
identity from ritual
A friend I lived with a while back has a tradition of naming their place in the wake of their housewarming event. It’s a good idea, so I stole it. A house name is something one can brainstorm out and try to invent or put to a vote or, but usually the best strategy is just to relax and let the name of the space manifest from the aether. It’s just a thing where once you know, you know, y’know?
The house on 29th street got its name after hosting a bunch of good friends for the 2021 Richmond Marathon. I had a lot of fun doing it - I didn’t really have a housewarming that summer, seeing as pandemic life was still in full swing for most and I didn’t really know many local folks yet. But being able to do that helped to fill that void, at least for a bit, and discover a name for a place. 823 W 29th was known, at least to me, as Un-Commonwealth.
confluence by circumstance
As last year came to a close, I bought a house. Rather, it’s more accurate to say that I bought about 20 percent of a house, promising by way of many signatures to buy the rest of it over time. A couple of Saturdays ago, a bunch of folks came over to celebrate. It was a blast to host each and every one of you. I had a great time bouncing around, making pizzas, and chatting, and I hope you had a good time too. I would like to think that even my dumb YouTube links and dumb AI art on the invitation were fun. (I wish I could have hosted even more of you!)
I’ve offhandedly joked several times that I didn’t even realize I knew this many people. Like many jokes, there’s a kernel of truth to it. There were a few folks here who have known me my entire life. And some, through connections with those family, who have known me for a little bit longer. But I’ve met a lot of you all within the last year. I enjoyed having a moment to appreciate how the random motions of life have enabled me to connect with all of you, new and old.
persistence through transience
One other idea I had was the thought of collaboratively creating a painting during the party. It helped me further my goal of covering as much of the wall as I can with cool stuff. And come on. It’s fun! More sentimentally, I like to think of it as a artifact of the people and happenstance that exist at that point - a snapshot of a place, a moment, a group, and their impact on each other. If you did paint, thanks for playing along. Even if you didn’t get to put a brush on the canvas or make it to the party, your influence is there nevertheless.
The painting itself changed throughout the evening. What I seeded with a magenta “Hi” somewhat sloppily brushed on, a portrait of the tree at the front of the house got added. From there, the painting evolved into a more elaborate landscape. I lost track after that. Eventually it struck out in new, exciting directions. There may have been a big six-pack (beer, not abs) at some point of time? It eventually became a wonderful vibrant smear of colors, with localized bits of doodles and chaos sprinkled about. If you know where to look, you might see what looks like a piece of the original tree sticking out under everything. Oh, and it changed orientation. I really wish I had taken more pictures.
It feels like a trite saying, but I’ll say it nevertheless: it turned out better than I could have thought. You all did great. At the end, Cora found the name for the painting, and I found the name for house.
In the same way as the painting, the house is mine, but also yours. I hope to return as much care, color, encouragement, joviality, serenity, spontaneity, and weird foods thorough 12A² in the manner you have shown me these things by your presence, as captured by Saturn hanging on the wall.
Acrylic on canvas